Monday, November 18, 2013

Do Women Deserve the Right to have Abortions?

Whether you are pro-life or not, should women have the right to decide whether to abort their baby or not? In an article posted by a fellow colleague titled One State, One Choice, Every Woman by Silvia Trejo. She goes on to start her article by addressing how women have always been beneath men and have fought long for their rights. As her article progresses, she goes on to discuss how Rick Perry signed an abortion bill that bans women in Texas from getting an abortion.

Miss Trejo's main argument was that Rick Perry should not have the right to decide for women, since he will never know how they feel and that in signing such a bill, it has stripped women of their rights and put them back where they started years ago. While I agree to a certain extent and can see where she was coming from, I feel that Silvia wasn't able to persuade her audience/I. I felt she relied mostly on her feelings and views of how women are not given the same respect as men, and how men get paid more and treated better than women at a work environment, etc. I feel she could have taken that opportunity to give us information and facts and could have used a link such as On Pay Equity Day, Why Women Are Paid Less Than Men by ThingProgress.Org that states "Women on average make only 77 cents to every dollar earned by men"in order to give a more convincing argument.

Furthermore, Silvia goes on to say that "When it comes down to it, when Rick Perry signed the abortion bill he took away the power over every woman in Texas". I can see how she feels that women are no longer in control over their situation and are now having a "man" decide for them, but I feel she saw only one side to this instead of both sides. In an article posted on titled "Study: One Abortion Increases a Woman's Death Risk 45%" it goes on to state "A single induced abortion increases the risk of maternal death by 45% compared to women with no history of abortion, according to a new study of all women of reproductive age in Denmark over a 25 year period". Instead of relying with a point of view that here comes a man again, just taking away women's rights. She should see that he in a way is helping women by lowering their maternal death risks that are associated with abortions and helping avoid other things that arise from abortions (Hemorrhage, handicapped newborns in later pregnancies associated with cervical/uterine damage, excessive bleeding, infection, emotional distress, etc). Additionally, while I do not favor abortions, I tried my best to be as bias free as I could be with this article and to see all sides to it, but when it comes down to it, Silvia implies that it should never be at the choice of a man to decide what a woman should do with her body and that women should have the right to have their own choice. With that being said, if you and another person make the "choice" to have sex, then you should be prepared to handle the consequences that come with it!

There are so many ways of preventing pregnancies and even family planning centers you can go to for birth control. Although I know in some cases, women are raped, etc. I personally believe that abortion should not be the option to go. There are so many complications or things that can go wrong with abortions and if you feel so strongly that you do not want a kid, then you do have another "choice". There are so many families out there who can not have kids of their own and are waiting to adopt. You can always put up your child for adoption and go down your own path.

In the end, while I saw a bit of Silvia's point of view, I personally was not persuaded and felt she went with her feelings and could not convince. Furthermore, I feel that if we are going to make an argument about the ability to make your own "choice" then we should all not be hypocrites and let the baby have a choice as well. No matter how many weeks of pregnancy anyone may be, if "you" make the choice to have sex without any sort of protection, then you should be prepared to face the consequences that come with it and give the child a choice to live, since your "choice" is what brought it about in the first place. Therefore I conclude that abortion is not the way to go and maybe Perry did go overboard in not letting a woman decide, but in the end he might have "saved" more than just a baby's life in doing so.

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